Bike Meetings...
Not sure how, for the second month, I have multiple meetings to attend on the same night. The first meeting on tap tonight was the Shenandoah Bike-Ped Committee held at the CSPDC offices. Tonight's meeting was productive in that we began the process of creating sub-committees to tackle the many issues facing our communities.
This process was facillitated by a brainstorming exercise that asked "What will it take for our region to become bicycle and pedestrian friendly?" We broke into groups that came up with answers to this question. These answers were then grouped into four areas that shared commonality. The four areas became proposed sub-committees. (I tried to accurately write down each groups' area)
Berry Farm...
I attended the Augusta County Parks Commission meeting this evening to outline our proposal to create the Berry Farm trail system. Ron spoke briefly on the history of the property and how we have gotten to this point. He then invited me to the lecturn to discuss our proposal, whew. Public Speaking 101.
Here we go with the short version - We want to partner with the County, IMBA Trail Solutions and other local groups to develop a sustainable trail system on the Berry Farm property. We envision creating 6-10 miles of single track trails that will allow hikers, joggers, mountain bikers, bird watchers, families to enjoy this wonderful area of Augusta County. The trails will be be built in phases with the initial 'loops' being geared towards beginner and intermediate cyclists/users. This will build a constituency that will help maintain and construct future trails.
The Parks Commission recommended to follow up with our discussion and create a full plan/package that details what is to be developed and how to accomplish it. The ball is rolling.
Two issues that were brought up that will need to addressed:
(1) Protect the water source. Berry Farm is a source for county water.
(2) Create an accessible area/loop
These can and will be accommodated.
Productive, Encouraging, Positive...
This process was facillitated by a brainstorming exercise that asked "What will it take for our region to become bicycle and pedestrian friendly?" We broke into groups that came up with answers to this question. These answers were then grouped into four areas that shared commonality. The four areas became proposed sub-committees. (I tried to accurately write down each groups' area)
- Bike/Ped Liaison with VDOT
- Safety - signs, road improvements, paths/routes
- Comprehensive Planning, Development that accomodates cycling and pedestrian issues
Marketing and Tourism
- Accomodate Bike Destinations
- Promote Tourist friendly/interesting routes
- Marketing - consistent logo/wayfinding signage and mapping
Health and Education
- Education Programs
- Special Events - Bike to Work, Rodeos
- Public Service Announcements
- School Involvement
Program Administration
- Full Time Staff, create a position
- Non-Profit Status
- Partnering with State/Local Agencies and citizen groups
- Fundraising
A lot of work needs to be done and now that committees will focus on specific areas, we can begin to move forward to improve cycling and pedestrian transportation.
We need new members who would like to help. If you live in the following counties; Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge or Rockingham, or live in one of the cities/towns within these counties, and want to get involved let me know.
.................Berry Farm...
I attended the Augusta County Parks Commission meeting this evening to outline our proposal to create the Berry Farm trail system. Ron spoke briefly on the history of the property and how we have gotten to this point. He then invited me to the lecturn to discuss our proposal, whew. Public Speaking 101.
Here we go with the short version - We want to partner with the County, IMBA Trail Solutions and other local groups to develop a sustainable trail system on the Berry Farm property. We envision creating 6-10 miles of single track trails that will allow hikers, joggers, mountain bikers, bird watchers, families to enjoy this wonderful area of Augusta County. The trails will be be built in phases with the initial 'loops' being geared towards beginner and intermediate cyclists/users. This will build a constituency that will help maintain and construct future trails.
The Parks Commission recommended to follow up with our discussion and create a full plan/package that details what is to be developed and how to accomplish it. The ball is rolling.
Two issues that were brought up that will need to addressed:
(1) Protect the water source. Berry Farm is a source for county water.
(2) Create an accessible area/loop
These can and will be accommodated.
Productive, Encouraging, Positive...
Nice job putting in all the effort for the local community. If you had a bike sponsor, i bet they would be proud to be associated with someone as active in the local advocacy as you.
Maybe someday you could be mayor or more!!
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