Saturday, June 16, 2007

XTERRA East Course

XTERRA East Championship Course

Click above for an interactive map of the course in Richmond. Map, Images, Video.

The trails are rolling smooth and fast. Thanks Jeff. Best 'o Luck at the Urban Assualt.

Monday, June 11, 2007


I got up at zero dark 'thirty on Sunday to be ready for James and Joe at 7am for the ride to Camp Hilbert. James needed to get to the site early as he was rolling the Enduro class. Joe and I opted for the races at noon same price, less mileage.

Long Story > Short. Toed the line with the Expert Vets, including my Team Green team mate Jeff H. At the start the field took off like a shot and I rolled with Chris D of TriPower for a while. Another fast TriPower racer, what's in the water in Tidewater?? The plan was to race smooth and not do anything dumb, like crash or go anaerobic. The race went according to plan thankfully. No crashes. I felt great after the race. And I took around 11 minutes off of my time from the March race. Congrats to Jeff on placing Second at Hilbert.

I rolled the XTERRA course with Jeff on Friday and plan on going back to Richmond on Wednesday for another pre-ride. See Jeff's take on the ride and misshap.

Feeling strong and ready for Sunday's XTERRA East Championship.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

ACE Big Canyon Race XTERRA Style

On Saturday I went to West “by God” Virginia for XTERRA race #2 on my schedule. The Big Canyon (and it is a big Canyon) is one of the original XTERRA races and is unique in that it’s (a) swim Run bike and (b) a long swim at 1.5 miles, albeit downstream (whew).

The race is hosted at the ACE Adventure Center in Oak Hill WV and got started at 9am on Sunday. The race begins far away from the second transition and finish area. The competitors are bussed off of the mountain and to the swim-run transition where we set up our gear. Then it was back on the bus for the final leg up the river to the start. After a few quick words from the race director we headed downstream in the New River with a few sprinkles coming from the clouds. In the first rapid section I made it through unscathed but not on the second set of ripples. Here my left thigh made sudden contact with a rock and I was reminded of this meeting the rest of day. A short 27 minutes after starting in the river I made my way to transition to peel off the wetsuit and pull on the “go fasts”. Bill Swann gave me good advice before the race to start easy and not go anaerobic before the ascent starts. Not long into the flattish first section the trail turned decidedly UP. After about 20 minutes or so it was onto a fireroad that while going up wasn’t too painful. I caught up with the leading women and after chatting a bit moved pass them before the race dropped into single track. One woman came around me before the second transition but I made it out on the bike before she did. (mental note: if it looks like rain make sure the e-caps are in a plastic bag and not out in the rain) Not really sure of the distance on the run, anywhere from 7 to 8 miles with a 1000 feet of climbing. The bike is billed at 11 miles on “oh so sweet” West Virginia trails.

I took it easy the first ten minutes of the bike to let the legs get used to turning circles. I rolled where I needed to and hammered where I could. I did dab a few times and got off the bike to walk the “rigor mortis” section. The thought was I can make up more time on the flats and uphills then bombing a short section of nastiness and running the risk of crashing out of the race. My calves did cramp a bit on the bike but I’ll take care of this by heeding the mental note above and drinking a stronger concentration of HEED.

My run felt strong and the bike skills are improving. The ti Deluxe was stellar with no issues. The IF got a lot of positive comments. Thanks to Les at East Coast Bicycle Academy for hooking me up with some mud tires. It’s West Virginia so there’s always mud. I rolled across the finish line in 10th overall and was awarded a paddle medal for 3rd place in Age Group. That's it above.

A big thanks to ACE Adventure Center for hosting a great race and for having hot showers available at the finish. That’s enough to earn a repeat visit.